July 16, 2024

Removal of Temporal Dependency

Thomas Bonnin

Software Engineer

We’re thrilled to announce a significant update to Nango’s architecture! Nango no longer uses Temporal for task orchestration. Instead, we’ve developed an in-house task orchestration system built on Postgres. Some benefits are:

  • Simplified Enterprise Self-Hosting: Removing a major dependency simplifies self-hosting, making Nango easier to manage and deploy.
  • Enhanced Reliability: The new system ensures more reliable sync job reporting and execution times, enabling faster improvements and greater resiliency with segregated customer queues.
  • Seamless Transition for Nango Cloud Users: Nango Cloud users benefit from this update without any action needed, ensuring minimal disruption.
  • Core Task Orchestration: Task orchestration is fundamental to building a high-performance integrations platform. This update lets you offload complex orchestration tasks to Nango, ensuring smoother and more efficient operations.

If you have any questions or are curious about our new task orchestrator, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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